Bringing together those with an interest in grass and forage production and utilisation

European Grassland Symposium 2025

EGF 2025 Symposium Themes

The three themes for the symposium are:

Theme 1 – Design, establishment and management of mixtures for grazing and conservation

Theme 2 – Forage utilisation and feeding value

Theme 3 – Environmental effects of mixtures 

Topics included under the three themes are listed below.

Theme 1: Design, establishment and management of mixtures for grazing and conservation

  • Extension of the growing season
  • Morphological specificities to adapt to climatic changes
    • Rooting depth
  • Species mix complexity
  • Productivity response to plant diversity
  • Yield stability
  • Grazing rotation length & sward management to increase diversity
    • Grazing effects on sward composition
  • Conservation techniques

Theme 2: Forage utilisation and feeding value

  • Nutritive analysis – analytical techniques
  • Nutritive value
  • Digestive efficiency
    • Degradability
  • Animal Health and Welfare
    • Anthelmintic properties
  • Feeding behaviour
    • Grazing selection
  • Methane emissions & rumen fermentation characteristics

Theme 3: Environmental effects of mixtures 

  • GHG emissions
  • Ecosystem services
    • Carbon sequestration
    • Fauna diversity
  • N & P cycling
    • Fertiliser inputs
    • Legacy effects in arable rotations

EGF 2025 Partners and Sponsors