Bringing together those with an interest in grass and forage production and utilisation

Awards & Bursaries

BGS Awards & Bursaries

BGS Travel Bursaries 2024/2025

The BGS Council has set aside a capital sum, the income from which is to be made available for grants to members of the Society, to support travel or education which is deemed to be furthering the objectives of the Society.  General preference will be given to early career applicants.

BGS are pleased to confirm that from September 2024 six BGS travel bursary awards of up to £1000 will be available to be awarded before the end of 2025.  The purpose of the awards is to facilitate the advancement of knowledge, expertise and understanding in the area of grassland production and utilisation.  During 2024/2025 the awarding committee will prioritise applications to enable attendance at the EGF symposium in September 2025.  Applicants must be either full BGS members, members of affiliated local societies or employees of a BGS corporate member.

The scheme is administered by the Society’s Trustees.  The following conditions apply:

  • Applications are invited from full BGS members, members of affiliated local societies, and employees of BGS corporate members.
  • Applications must be received at least one month prior to the money being required.
  • A written report for BGS circulation and/or publication will be stipulated by the Committee when any grant is approved.

Applications to attend the EGF Symposium “Multi-species swards” 15 – 17 September 2025, Reading, UK will be prioritised.

Applicants will need to provide the contact details of 1 referee.

A decision will be made within 1-2 weeks of the receipt of the application.

Click below to access the application form.

BGS Staffordshire Bursary Award

Following the closure of the Staffordshire Grassland Society a capital sum from the residual funds of the Society has been set aside to award bursaries to members of the agricultural community who live, work or study in the county of Staffordshire.  The purpose of the Staffordshire bursary awards are to specifically facilitate the advancement of knowledge, expertise and understanding in the area of grassland production and utilisation.

Awards up to the value of £500 are available if the following criteria are met.

    • Applicants either live, work or study in the county of Staffordshire.
    • Applications must be received at least one month prior to the money being required.
    • A written report for BGS circulation and/or publication may be stipulated by the awarding committee when any grant is approved.
    • General preference will be given to early career applicants.

Click below to access the application form.

Stapledon Memorial Trust

The Memorial Trust was established in 1962 as a tribute to the late Sir George Stapledon, founder of the British Grassland Society.

A number of awards are available e.g. Travelling Fellowship, Vacation Study Awards and Short-term Awards for Recent Graduates.

For information visit the Stapledon Memorial Trust website

EGF Symposium 2025 – Stapledon Memorial Trust grants available

We are pleased to confirm a limited number of Stapledon Memorial Trust grants are available to support young delegates attending the symposium.  The grants offer a £200 discount on the following EGF 2025 symposium registration fees.

  • The early bird rate of £400 which closes 6 June 2025
  • The standard rate of £500 which closes 8 August 2025

Please note the following application submission deadlines:

  • Applications to receive a grant towards the early bird rate of £400 must be received by 23rd May 2025.
  • Applications to receive a grant towards the standard rate of £500 must be received by 25th July 2025.

These grants are available to young delegates to help reduce financial constraints in attending the symposium.  The organising committee encourage you to apply for this grant by submitting an application form (click on button below).  All applications will be reviewed by members of the organising committee.  If successful, a discount code will be issued that should be applied during the ticket booking process.

 Please note The Stapledon Memorial Trust symposium grant is not to be used in conjunction with the BGS travel bursaries awards.