BGS Grazing mentors
Grazing Mentors
Identify ways to reduce costs and optimise profits through better production and utilisation of grassland and forage.
N.B. The Grazing Mentors project is not currently running.
The BGS Grazing Mentors can help you to unlock the potential of your pasture.
The one-to-one guidance on your grazing strategy is specifically tailored to your own farm.
Supported by

The Mentors are experienced livestock producers and grassland managers, and will offer impartial guidance on grazing management on your farm. They will help with goalsetting, planning and overcoming weaknesses in order to improve grassland efficiency. They have undergone specific facilitator training.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact us at BGS (
What does mentoring involve?
Normally, mentees will receive an initial visit from the mentor. This will be followed up with conversations via online meeting platforms, telephone, text, email or messaging apps to help with specific problems and to provide updates on progress.
A second visit will be arranged to the mentees farm. Mentors may invite mentees to visit their farm if appropriate.

Who can apply?
Mentoring is open to grassland managers with any level of grazing experience, of any age, size of holding or class of livestock. Mentoring is focussed on problem solving and goal setting within your own farm situation, developing your farm’s potential in-line with your own targets and objectives.
If you are interested in receiving mentoring, or finding out more, please contact us at BGS (
How has it helped?
“We feel we can ask Matthew anything and he will give us a straight answer right away. This gives us confidence that we are doing the right thing, and that eventually this system will work out for us all, producing a little less milk yield but at a much lower cost”.
“We had a very good day with our mentor and he gave us some good pointers for how to address a new grazing system, which we have tried to implement on the farm. He has sent follow-up emails with useful data and contacts. All in all it has been a very good experience”.
“We had a good discussion about grazing and silage feeding at grass in dry periods. We also discussed herbal leys and grass mixtures. It was useful to be able to talk to someone with knowledge about grazing and ensiling herbal leys”.
Meet the BGS Grazing Mentors

Matt Blyth

Mike Clarke

Malcolm Corfield

Keith Davis

Clyde Jones

Yann Le Du

Neale Manning

Rory O’Connor

Nick Ranson

Mark Read

John Ritchie

Matt Roberts