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Grass and Forage Manager
'Grass and Forage Manager’ is the British Grassland Society’s full colour, practical magazine which is published four times a year in February, May, September and December. It provides a blend of technical, scientific and general interest articles to appeal to the wider grassland sector.
It includes research articles, the latest technical information, on-farm grassland management features, previews of BGS events, plus updates on BGS activities and projects.
The magazine is sent to all BGS members, affiliated societies and magazine only subscribers. Our magazine only subscription is available at £12 a year through our online shop or by completing a Subscription Form and returning it to the BGS office.
Back copies of most issues are available from the BGS office at £3.00 per copy.
Annual subscription (4 magazines) £12.00 to non BGS members.
BGS members – please login to receive your discounted prices.