BGS 13th Research Conference
Multi-Species Swards Research Conference
The 13th BGS Research Conference took place from Tuesday 2 March to Thursday 4 March 2021. It proved to be very popular with 179 people from 12 different countries registering for the event, and over 150 attending the live sessions. Funding from the Stapledon Memorial Trust supported the registration of over 50 students.
The full conference programme is available here. Speakers included Caroline Brophy (Trinity College, Dublin), Tommy Boland (UCD), Ian Wilkinson (Cotswold Seeds/FarmED), Paul Muto (Natural England) and Chris Reynolds (University of Reading).
The following sessions took place:
- Session 1: Establishment
- Session 2: Sward management for grazing and conservation
- Session 3: Utilisation and feeding value plus panel discussion
Copies of the conference proceedings are available from our shop (click here)
(BGS members – remember to log in to the website to downloads the proceedings free of charge)
Research posters were also presented at the conference.
To view , click on the relevant poster from the list below.