Bringing together those with an interest in grass and forage production and utilisation

Grassland Farmer Of The Year

Winner’s Farm Walk

Winner’s Farm Walk – Wednesday 22 May 2024 

Drochil Castle Farm, near Peebles, Peeblesshire

We joined Robert Black, BGS Grassland Farmer of the Year 2023, to hear about his cattle and sheep systems.

The cattle herd is currently being expanded, with home-bred heifers calving at two years of age. Bull calves are left entire, and finished at 12-14 months of age on a total mixed ration made up of home-grown forage and cereals.

Both the 120 Stabiliser suckler cows and the 1000 Highlander ewes are outwintered on deferred hill grazing. Bales of second cut silage are placed in these areas, and no concentrates are fed.  Lower areas of the farm are part of a six-year rotation that includes forage rape and barley.

Topics covered included:

  • Deferred grazing and hill pasture improvement
  • Cattle and sheep breeding
  • Grassland management
  • Finishing young bulls.

To view videos of the event, visit the BGS YouTube channel (click here).

Grassland Farmer of the Year Sponsors