Bringing together those with an interest in grass and forage production and utilisation

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Membership of BGS is open to everyone

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Membership of BGS is open to everyone with a keen interest in grassland whether it be farming, research, or just a general interest and the pursuit of the Society objectives.  Membership offers many benefits: society journals, conferences, seminars, workshops, member discounts and much more.  

For full details of BGS membership privileges, click here.

Our preferred payment method is Direct Debit for which the annual membership fee is £50 per person.  Discounted membership of £20 is available for students (under 25 years of age or older but still in full-time education). In order to claim this special rate, ID must be provided.

An online membership form, with Direct Debit instructions, is available here

If not paying by Direct Debit, the annual membership fee is £60 for full members, £45 for overseas members and £30 for student members.

N.B.  At the AGM in 2023 it was agreed to remove the ‘retired’ membership category. However, those who had a retired membership prior to 2024 will still be able to access  their previous membership rate.

Subscription to our society is tax deductible in the United Kingdom.

Annual BGS Membership