Bringing together those with an interest in grass and forage production and utilisation

BGS Members

Bgs Membership benefits

The British Grassland Society acts as a forum for those with an active interest in the science and practice of grassland and forage crop production and utilization. Being a member provides a unique opportunity to meet and discuss a wide range of relevant topics with the most able scientists and practitioners in the country. The society brings together research workers, farmers, advisers, technical specialists and senior members of the agricultural supply industry.

A discounted membership fee is available for students.  In order to benefit you must be under 25 years of age or older but still in full-time education

Evidence of age/student status is required when joining. 

To find out how to join BGS, click here


Members paying an annual subscription are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Grass and Forage Manager magazine – four issues per year.
  • Grass and Forage Science journal – online access (except Student Members).
  • BGS e-Newsletters – ten issues per year.
  • Online shop – discount on books published by BGS
  • Conferences and events – special members rate for conferences and events (valid for up to 2 family members or business staff).
  • Website – access to the members’ area of the BGS website
  • BGS Research Conference Proceedings – free access via website

Other benefits include

  • To enter the UK Grassland Farmer of the Year competition regional round where no local affiliated society exists for that member
  • To vote at an Annual General Meeting
  • To stand for election as a BGS Regional Representative or Trustee
  • To nominate a person as a BGS Regional Representative or Trustee.
Student members paying an annual subscription are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Grass and Forage Manager magazine – four issues per year.
  • BGS e-Newsletters – ten issues per year.
  • Online shop – discount on books published by BGS
  • Conferences and events – special members rate for conferences and events (valid for up to 2 family members or business staff).
  • Website – access to the members’ area of the BGS website
  • BGS Research Conference Proceedings – free access via website

Other benefits include

  • To enter the UK Grassland Farmer of the Year competition regional round where no local affiliated society exists for that member
  • To vote at an Annual General Meeting
  • To stand for election as a BGS Regional Representative or Trustee
  • To nominate a person as a BGS Regional Representative or Trustee.

To find out how to join BGS, click here

Students/young people may also be able to benefit from the following awards and bursaries.

BGS Travel bursary

The BGS Council has set aside a capital sum, the income from which is to be made available for grants to members of the Society, to support travel or education which is deemed to be furthering the objectives of the Society. General preference will be given to younger applicants (under the age of 40).
For more details, click here.

Stapledon Memorial Trust

The Memorial Trust was established in 1962 as a tribute to the late Sir George Stapledon, founder of the British Grassland Society.
A number of awards are available e.g. Travelling Fellowship, Vacation Study Awards and Short-term Awards for Recent Graduates.
For information visit the Stapledon Memorial Trust website.

Corporate Member Benefits

BGS is pleased to work with industry-relevant primary producers and knowledge transfer organisations through our corporate members’ package. If your business or organisation is interested in joining BGS please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the options that may be available.

Some of the benefits of becoming a BGS corporate member include:

  • Access to the BGS farmer audience.
  • Priority on sponsorship opportunities.
  • Use of BGS logo on an approved basis – e.g. on a corporate website
  • BGS website listing
  • Access to the BGS Grass and Forage Manager Magazine
  • One full membership of the society (including access to Grass and Forage Science journal)

To apply to be considered for corporate membership, please click here